
Edit Task: SetPossibilityResourceCost


SCHED / EditTask '<TaskName>' SetPossibilityResourceCost '<PossibilityName>' '<ResourceName>' <Cost> <CostRate> <SetupApplies> <BreakdownApplies>


The SetPossibilityResourceCost attribute under EditTask defines the resource cost for a single task possibility.


PossibilityNameA string of text with a comma delimited list of resources in the possibility, surrounded by single quotes. Order is not required and the resource names should not be in quotes.
ResourceNameA string of text in single quotes of the resource name that is to be defined within the command.
CostA non negative double representing the cost of the resource.
CostRateOptions are either per assignment or per second.
SetupAppliesA Boolean value that determines whether cost should apply to setup times.
BreakdownAppliesA Boolean value that determines whether cost should apply to breakdown times.


Set all cost settings for ResA in the possibility containing ResA and ResB.

SCHED / EditTask 'TaskA' SetPossibilityResourceCost 'ResA,ResB' 'ResA' 2 PerAssignment True False